(WID/WPS) HumanTask API (Create/Claim/CompleteTask)

This post gives the code for creating, claiming & completing the task.

LocalHumanTaskManager taskManager = null;
String name = null;
QueryResultSet instances = null;
try {
Context context = new javax.naming.InitialContext();

LocalHumanTaskManagerHome taskHome = (LocalHumanTaskManagerHome) context.lookup("java:comp/env/ejb/LocalHumanTaskManagerHome");

LocalHumanTaskManagerHome taskHome = (LocalHumanTaskManagerHome) context.lookup("local:ejb/com/ibm/task/api/HumanTaskManagerHome");

taskManager = taskHome.create();
System.out.println("Accessing local interface...success");
//String taskName = "MyHumanTask"; // Invocation Task
String taskName = "StandAloneHT"; // To-doTask
String taskNamespace = "http://HTModule";
TKIID tkiid = taskManager.createTask(taskName, taskNamespace);
Task task = taskManager.getTask(tkiid);
ClientObjectWrapper cow = taskManager.createInputMessage(tkiid);
DataObject dataObject = (DataObject) cow.getObject();

dataObject.setString("input1","<<Your Input>>");
taskManager.startTask(tkiid, cow, null);
//Signature of the startTask method :
//void startTask(TKIID tkiid, ClientObjectWrapper input, ReplyHandlerWrapper replyHandler) 
 //Asynchronously executes a previously created task using the task instance ID.
//Task can be of any type.

//Alternate way of calling a task :
//ClientObjectWrapper  cow2= taskManager.callTask(tkiid, cow);
// Signature of the callTask method :
//ClientObjectWrapper callTask(TKIID tkiid, ClientObjectWrapper input) 
//Synchronously executes a previously created invocation task instance using the task instance ID.
//Task should not be of To-Do type.
System.out.println("TKIID : "+tkiid);

//Claiming the task :
System.out.println("Claimed the task");

//Creating output for completing the task :
ClientObjectWrapper output =  taskManager.createOutputMessage(tkiid);
DataObject outDataObject = (DataObject) output.getObject();
taskManager.complete(tkiid,  output); 
System.out.println("Completed the task");

//System.out.println("OUTPUT : "+((DataObject)cow2.getObject()).getString("output1")); If called Synchronously.
catch (Exception e) {

Lookup in Green is used in a JSP while in Red is used in Java component.

Red Scenario :

In the above example "MyHumanTask" is an Invocation Task (Human----Service) & "StandAloneHT" is a To-Do Task.

 Assembly Diagram

Interface (Used as an interface for Todo Task & as a reference for Invocation Task)

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