What is SDO ?

SDO (Service Data Object) provide a universal means of describing disparate data including relational databases, entity Enterprise Java Bean (EJB) components, XML pages, Web services, Java Server Pages (JSP), the J2EE Connector Architecture (JCA), and more.

It provides both a dynamic (loosely typed) and static (strongly typed) data API.

SDO is a framework/data access technology for data application development that includes architecture and an associated API.

It is the common data model for SOA because it provides a layer of abstraction.

With the SDO framework, you do not need to be familiar with a technology-specific API to access and use data. You need to know only one API—the SDO API.

WPS BO framework is an extension of the SDO standard.Therefore, business objects exchanged between WPS components are instances of the commonj.sdo.DataObject class.

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